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    1. VivaGrand Takes UpSocial Responsibility

      release time:2019-01-23

      In Oct 10th, 2018, VivaGrand, the famous real estate developer from Vancouver, brought the GIFT to Loard Robert Elementary School.

      John Liang, the director of VivaGrand, said that this would be the first step for VivaGrand to feed back the society. 

      Photograph of representatives from School and VivaGrand.

      School chairman announced that the garden and multi-media classrooms are put into use.

      Students enjoyed their moment in garden

      Student representative delivered greeting card with gratitude

      VivaGrand contributed$40,000 for garden extension, $3,000 for instructional toys, and 30 Macbooks (worth at least $40,000). Total contribution reached $80,000.

      Public Interest Activities Should Focus On Detail

      Charity contribution should be persevering and continuous.It shall not only apply to disasters, but also to daily philanthropic acts.

      VivaGrand believes thata mature enterprise should apply its social responsibility to practical action rather than slogans and advertisements.

      Feed Back the Society with Inclusive Education

      Why public school?

      School-days is essential period in everyone’s life. VivaGrand attempts to provide better conditions to support the educationof public school, which might make parents relieved.

      Early education and integrated education have become the educational consensus. To enable more children to receive good education means thatthese thoughtful and capable young people can harmoniously integrate into the social life, so as to change the society with their own unique ability.

      Make It A Habit

      Sir Ba Jin once said “the meaning of life lies in dedication rather than enjoyment. We all have more love, more compassion, more energy, and more time than we need to sustain ourselves. Only when we spend them for others can our lives blossom.”

      John Liang, director of VivaGrand, said that they will participate in more charity contribution in future. Meanwhile, they will appeal to more mature enterprises to contribute to public benefits. 

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